
What is McTimoney?

The McTimoney method of animal manipulation was devised in the 1950s by John McTimoney, who adapted chiropractic techniques used in the treatment of humans for use on animals. He founded McTimoney College where the techniques are taught at Masters degree level.

McTimoney manipulation is a non-invasive therapy that helps to realign and rebalance the musculoskeletal system. When the body is subjected to a sudden trauma or a repetitive strain, muscle tissue can tense up and spasm leading to what are termed 'misalignments' in the neck, back and pelvis. The joints are restricted within their normal range of motion impairing the animal's movement and performance. The pain and discomfort caused may lead to behavioural changes in your animal.

McTimoney adjustments help to restore movement to the joint and relieve the associated pain and discomfort. Treatment does not require the use of any anaesthetics or drugs. Adjustments are performed by hand relying on precision and speed rather than force, which make them relatively gentle to receive and readily accepted by most animals.

Further information about McTimoney can be found at:

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